OMV Czech Republic, in partnership with Helptex, facilitates textile reuse at filling stations and supports children in need

Aug 12, 2020

1 min read

OMV launched partnership with a social and environmental charity organization Helptex and will install used textile collecting containers at six filling stations in Prague. Drivers and OMV customers can use these containers to discard unwanted clothes and shoes and thus contribute to the protection of the environment and, at the same time, to support the activities of the Crisis Centre for Children.

Helptex is an organization that helps disadvantaged children - for each kilogram of collected unwanted textile it donates 1 CZK to the Crisis Centre for Children. During five years of its existence it has donated over CZK 1.9 million for the operation of the center, education, school activities and lunches of children in need. Clean, wearable clothes and pairs of shoes can be inserted in Helptex containers. Containers are equipped with IoT sensors monitoring the fullness of the containers, which saves costs and GHG emissions associated with contents collection. The collected textiles are sorted and further processed to be brought back to life for their second use.