For OMV, compliance is more than just adherence to law.
“It is one of the legal obligations of every company to conduct its business activities in compliance with the laws. For OMV, however, compliance is much more than simply adhering to the law. Our aspiration is to apply the highest ethical standards to the decisions we make every day.”
Alfred Stern, CEO OMV AG
Compliance creates the framework for our business actions and has set up a robust compliance management system that ensures we:
- uphold high ethical standards
- comply with applicable laws
We provide comprehensive support for the core compliance areas business ethics/anti-corruption, capital markets law, competition law and trade sanctions.
The effectiveness of the compliance management system is regularly evaluated and has been certified according to the IDW PS 980 standard by external auditors. The most recent audit report is available here.
Further information on the compliance management system, the compliance organization and OMV’s ethical values can be found in following documents:
We have a zero-tolerance policy for illegal and unethical behavior. To ensure that our high standards are met, we provide the Integrity Platform, a secure, anonymous reporting channel that enables both internal and external stakeholders to report potential misconduct. Every report is taken seriously and treated as strictly confidential. You can be confident that whistleblowers will not face negative consequences within OMV for making a report in good faith.
For more information, please visit the Integrity Platform.
For reports or customer complaints regarding OMV’s gas station network, please use the email address
If you have any questions concerning compliance topics, reach out to us at
Thomas Hölzl
Head of Compliance
OMV Aktiengesellschaft
Tel: +43 1 40440-23760
Trabrennstraße 6-8, 1020 Vienna
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