Natural gas solutions


At OMV Gas, we offer comprehensive gas solutions tailored to your business needs. With our clear customer focus and extensive experience in sales, trading, logistics, and procurement, we ensure you receive reliable and efficient gas products. Our expertise allows us to provide partnership-based solutions that are perfectly suited to your requirements, helping you achieve your business goals.

Natural gas has lower emissions than other fossil fuels, making it an essential source of energy to bridge the gap left by coal and nuclear power when renewable energy sources like solar, hydropower, and wind are insufficient. At OMV Gas, we are committed to leveraging natural gas's role in reducing emissions and ensuring a reliable energy supply.

About OMV Gas

With over 60 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, we combine flexibility, high service levels, and international expertise to be the reliable partner you can count on. We have supported our customers in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Hungary for many years through our industry knowledge, sales expertise, and trading activities in Europe’s most important natural gas hubs.

We are constantly working to diversify our supply sources. Natural gas from our own production, long-term contracts with international natural gas producers, storage and transport operators, and capacities at the LNG terminal gate in Rotterdam are the basis for a secure supply to our customers. Our expertise and commitment to service help us grow together with our customers.

  • OMV Gas Overview - 08-2024


As Europe moves away from coal, demand for natural gas is still set to rise until 2030, increasing demand for imports and driving market growth in the medium term.

Given this context, our strategy is to:

  • Maintain a strong market position in Austria and further strengthen our presence in Germany and in the Netherlands.
  • Support customers in Romania and Türkiye through our sister companies.
  • Diversified natural gas supplies, gas storage facilities, reliable transport routes, and long-term contracts provide energy security.

Operating in Europe’s major gas trading hubs, we are the reliable partner you can count on – in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, and beyond.

Supply Chain

From well to application

As a fully integrated European gas provider with over six decades of experience, we cover the entire supply chain from the wellhead to the customer. Leading European companies in various industries, commerce, distribution, and energy production rely on our professional advice and decades of expertise. They benefit from customized, safe and sustainable supply solutions.


At OMV Gas, we combine flexibility and exceptional service with the international expertise and financial strength of the OMV Group to deliver customized natural gas solutions to major European customers and distributors.

We are more than just a gas provider; we are a partner invested in your long-term growth. Our flexible pricing and delivery concepts, detailed market knowledge, and risk management skills ensure our solutions are reliable and perfectly tailored to meet your specific needs.

Gas is more...

Natural gas has lower emissions than other fossil fuels, making it an essential source of energy to bridge the gap left by coal and nuclear power when renewable energy sources like solar, hydropower, and wind are insufficient.

Gas is set to overtake coal and oil in the European energy mix. As production decreases in Europe, our procurement strategy focusses on diversification and increasing imports, both by pipeline and from LNG. Natural gas is composed of over 97% methane. The remaining 3% is mostly made up of ethane, higher value hydrocarbons, and nitrogen.

Natural gas is a primary energy source, meaning that the energy can be used directly in its natural form.

Here is a brief introduction to new gases.

-Biogas and biomethane

Biogas and biomethane

Biogas is a combustible mixed gas composed primarily of methane. It is produced by the fermentation of biomass, such as biowaste, manure, and other agricultural residues. Through processing and refining biogas, biomethane can be produced, which has a higher methane content — while pure biogas typically contains between 40% and 75% methane, biomethane contains at least 96% methane. This gives it the same chemical properties as conventional natural gas, allowing it to be injected and stored in the gas grid in any quantity.



Hydrogen is usually found in bonded forms, such as water (H2O), from which it can be separated through industrial processes. Colors are used to describe the hydrogen produced using different methods.

  • Green hydrogen: Produced from water using electrolysis powered only by renewable electricity. It is climate-neutral and renewable, releasing no CO2.
  • Blue and turquoise hydrogen: Non-renewable (as it is produced from natural gas) but climate neutral (as no CO2 is released into the atmosphere), serving as interim solutions until green hydrogen is available in sufficient quantities.
  • Grey hydrogen: Produced from hydrocarbons, releasing CO2 in the process. It is the most common form of hydrogen production, but is not climate neutral.

Hydrogen in its pure form is gaseous. It can be stored in large quantities for long periods, and can be transported via the gas grid.

+Synthetic gas

Synthetic gas

Synthetic gas, consisting of hydrogen (H2) and CO2, is produced using power-to-gas technology. To produce it, excess renewable electricity is sent through the grid to a plant, where water is split into oxygen and H2 by electrolysis. The H2 is then converted to synthetic gas by methanation. CO2 is sourced from local facilities, such as wastewater treatment plants. The resulting synthetic gas can be transported in the gas network, stored long-term in gas storage facilities, and used like conventional natural gas or renewable biogas.

Get in touch to find your perfect gas solution.

Product Solutions

We offer flexible and efficient product and pricing solutions, customized to meet your specific needs. Your Key Account Manager will provide comprehensive advice and work closely with you to create the right pricing model. Our analysts support this with daily forecasts based on proactive market observation, ensuring you have access to the information you need to make an informed decision.

Natural gas solutions for…
Our motto is “understand first, supply second." Your Key Account Manager will carefully analyze your needs to develop the perfect solution for you.

We offer optimal pricing and supply models by thoroughly analyzing your annual demand to develop the right solutions for you.

Industry & Commerce
Your personal Key Account Manager can develop a customized pricing model or a balancing group contract for you. Make an appointment today or explore our standardized price solutions.

We provide optimal energy management, so you can offer your end customers reliable service. Our diversified supply agreements and large storage volumes ensure consistent energy provision.

Multi Site Contracts

We provide superregional supply to customers with multiple sites, covering the market from northwest to southeast Europe. Through our sister companies in Romania and Türkiye, we can also assist you in these markets.

We manage everything from equity production and imports to transport pipelines and gas storage facilities, ensuring reliable delivery to end customers. We offer attractive conditions and detailed consumption information for individual sites, easing your administrative burden.

Contact your Key Account Manager to find out how we can support your multi-site operations.

Risk Management

We understand the importance of risk management and planning security, especially for long-term growth.

We use complex risk management tools to offer you predictable energy expenses. To counter price uncertainty and balance future fluctuations, we use various hedging strategies, including swaps and options.

By combining different derivatives, we provide a range of pricing models tailored to individual markets. With our in-depth market knowledge and thorough market appraisal, we help you select the right hedging strategy for your needs.

Sales Market Desk / Sales Trading

Our sales market desk is here to support you with flexible gas procurement and professional portfolio optimization. You get direct access to our sales market desk as soon as we’ve concluded a frame agreement.

Benefits of our sales market desk:

  • Engage in market-focused dialogue through a close partnership.
  • React quickly and flexibly to market changes.
  • Proactively optimize your natural gas procurement.

Contact our sales market desk in Austria:

Franz Wiesinger


Contact our sales market desk in Germany & The Netherlands:

Andreas Fantoni



Our service is what makes us special.

If you haven’t been able to find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to contact one of our Key Account Managers — we’re always happy to help in any way we can.

The following information is available:

  • OMV Gas Overview - EN 08-2024
  • OMV Sustainability Report 2023
  • OMV Annual Report 2023



The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency: REMIT was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in 2011 with immediate effect for EU member states. 

The goal of REMIT is to increase the transparency and stability of European energy markets. In particular it strives to combat insider trading and market manipulation. The EU authority ACER has been entrusted with overseeing and regulating the energy markets in accordance with REMIT. 

OMV Gas uses this platform to give customers and partners important information and additional links in order to assist with upholding the requirements resulting from the REMIT regulation. 

In accordance with the Implementing Acts, REMIT Reporting was mandatorily introduced as of October 7, 2015, for Standardised Contracts concluded at an Organised Market Place (OMP) and as of April 7, 2016, for Non-Standardised Contracts for all of the market participants at EU level covered by the REMIT regulation. 

Important note: The details given here provide a non-binding overview that should help our contract partners to gain a better overview of the issues relating to REMIT.

Acer News
On December 18, 2014, the REMIT Commission Implementing Regulation EU 1348/2014 was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Regulation came into effect on January 7, 2015. 

Since March 17, 2015, the lists of Standardised Contracts and of OMPs (Organised Market Places) have been available on the ACER homepage, where they are regularly updated.  

Additionally, the latest ACER Codes allocated for market participants dealing in wholesale of power and natural gas are also published on the ACER homepage. 

In order to receive an ACER Code, one must be registered as a REMIT market participant with the national regulatory authority responsible. 

The latest FAQs and Q&As relating to REMIT are regularly updated and published by ACER. These are available directly on the ACER homepage, along with additional information published by ACER.  


Companies with a registered seat in Austria that conduct transactions subject to mandatory REMIT reporting are obliged to register with E-Control as a market participant under REMIT.  

Reference E-Control REMIT registration (  

OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH is registered under the ACER Code A0000765B.AT. 

Companies with a registered seat in Germany that conduct transactions subject to mandatory REMIT reporting are obliged to register with Bundesnetzagentur as a market participant under REMIT:  

Reference Bundesnetzagentur REMIT registration (

OMV Gas Marketing & Trading Deutschland GmbH is registered under the ACER Code A00022867.DE. 

Autoriteit Consument & Markt
Companies with a registered seat in the Netherlands that conduct transactions subject to mandatory REMIT reporting are obliged to register with Autoriteit Consument & Markt as a market participant under REMIT:  

Reference Autoriteit Consument & Markt REMIT registration (

OMV Gas Marketing Trading & Finance B.V. is registered under the ACER Code A0013354L.NL.

Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation
Companies with a registered seat in Belgium that conduct transactions subject to mandatory REMIT reporting are obliged to register with Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation as a market participant under REMIT:  

Reference Commission for Electricity and Gas
Regulation REMIT registration (

OMV Gas Marketing & Trading Belgium is registered under the ACER Code A0015979L.BE 

Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal

Companies with a registered seat in Hungary that conduct transactions subject to mandatory REMIT reporting are obliged to register with Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal as a market participant under REMIT:  

Reference Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal REMIT registration (

OMV Gas Marketing & Trading Hungária Kft is registered under the ACER Code A0003622B.HU. 

Disclosure obligations of OMV Gas & Marketing GmbH in accordance with REMIT (Regulation (EU) Nr. 1227/2011) 

OMV Gas & Marketing GmbH and its subsidiaries publish ad-hoc announcements on CEGH REMIT website ( in order to inform market participants on developments that are considered inside information, as well as notification of planned and unplanned shutdowns of their facilities. This disclosure conforms to the obligations in accordance with the regulation: