Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance is critical to OMV. Good cooperation between management and the control and auditing bodies is essential to respect and further the interests of all shareholders and instill confidence in OMV’s stakeholders.

OMV Aktiengesellschaft complies with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance and its aim to establish a system of management and control that is accountable and is geared to create sustainable, long-term value. In 2004 the organizational structure was changed into a holding company. The management holding provides for a flat management structure which is clear and transparent. Faster decision-making processes combined with increased responsibility allow us to concentrate on customer requirements and market demands.

Austrian Code of Corporate Governance

Compliance Statement

To many stakeholders, good corporate governance is an important contribution to risk management, an element of corporate social responsibility and generally one of the main yardsticks of its corporate culture. OMV strives to earn stakeholders’ confidence by implementing a high standard of corporate governance and by maintaining high standards of transparency and predictability. The company has therefore committed itself to compliance with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance. Any deviations from the Code are disclosed and explained.

The Austrian Code of Corporate Governance

The Code provides Austrian corporations with a framework for responsible and transparent management and control. It is based on the OECD Principles of Corporate Government and the EU recommendations, as well as the relevant legal provisions. The Code relies on voluntary self-regulation. In addition to the most important statutory requirements under Austrian law – the L-Rules of the Code (legal requirement) – the Code also contains rules which are considered common international practice, the C-Rules (comply or explain). Non-compliance with these rules must be explained and the reasons stated. The Code also contains mere recommendations, the R-Rules.


We engaged Johannes Lutterotti of Jank Weiler Operenyi Rechtsanwälte GmbH for the evaluation of our compliance with the Code for the business year 2020. The official questionnaire of the Austrian Working Group for Corporate Governance was used for the evaluation and the result was that OMV complied with all rules incl. recommendations.

  • Evaluation 2022
  • Evaluation 2020
  • Evaluation 2018


  • Austrian Code of Corporate Governance as amended in January 2023
  • Articles of Association OMV Aktiengesellschaft
  • Consolidated Corporate Governance Report 2023
  • Group Organization Chart