including Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements as of September 30, 2020
Key Performance Indicators 1
- Clean CCS Operating Result decreased by 67% to EUR 317 mn
- Clean CCS net income attributable to stockholders amounted to EUR 80 mn, clean CCS Earnings Per Share were EUR 0.24
- Cash flow from operating activities of EUR 791 mn
- Organic free cash flow before dividends of EUR 432 mn
- Clean CCS ROACE at 6%
- Lost-Time Injury Rate at 0.20
- Production decreased to 444 kboe/d
- Production cost at USD 7.5/boe
- OMV indicator refining margin declined to USD 0.9/bbl
- Natural gas sales volumes increased by 22% to 33.3 TWh
Key events
- On September 29: Results of OMV’s Annual General Meeting
- On September 23: VERBUND acquires OMV’s 51% stake in Gas Connect Austria
- On September 22: OMV refinery implements multiple energy-efficiency measures to reduce CO2
- On September 21: OMV revises oil price assumptions
- On September 9: Reinhard Florey reappointed as CFO of OMV
- On September 3: SapuraOMV announces Bakong first production from SK408 gas fields
- On August 25: OMV issues new hybrid notes with a total volume of EUR 1.25 billion in two tranches
- On July 30: OMV’s industry association memberships in alignment with the Paris Agreement
- On July 29: OMV takes next steps towards reducing carbon footprint
1 Figures reflect the Q3/20 period; all comparisons described relate to the same quarter in the previous year except where otherwise mentioned.