OMV MaxxMotion best winter diesel fuel

Jan 17, 2013

4 min read

January 17, 2013 - 10:00 am (CET)

  • MaxxMotion Premium Diesel guarantees even at lowest temperatures down to -35°C a reliable engine start and optimal engine power
  • MaxxMotion extends the life of your engine and ensures maximum performance and low fuel consumption
  • Premium Diesel of OMV bears comparison with other winter diesel products in terms of high resistance to cold

Temperatures below -20°C are not uncommon in Austria, particularly in Western Austria. At the same time frosty temperatures represent optimal conditions for the OMV Premium Diesel: So it can proof its excellent properties best.

OMV MaxxMotion: the best diesel fuel for winter
According to Austrian law, from November 1 until the end of February only diesel fuel that ensures filterability in temperatures of up to -20°C (in compliance with the CFPP classification under the EN 950 standard) can be sold at Austrian filling stations. A premium diesel must be able to deliver far more than this, confirms Alois Wach, head of the OMV filling station business in Austria and Germany: “With MaxxMotion Premium Diesel, we want to provide a fuel that diesel drivers in Austria can rely on at any time of the year. We can even guarantee a resistance to cold down to -35°C.”

Full engine power even during frosty winter
Starting problems, a jerky engine and engine noise are familiar experiences for diesel drivers when temperatures fall below freezing. “Thanks to the excellent winter properties of MaxxMotion, the formula which is derived from our many years of experience, such issues are now firmly in the past for well-maintained vehicles,” says Wach. The result is impressive: high-performance additives, a higher cetane number and the HVO bio component make MaxxMotion a high-quality fuel that also cleans the engine and thereby reduces consumption and engine noise.

The premium elements
“MaxxMotion assures a quiet engine, better combustion, lower emissions, engine protection and consistently lower consumption – in other words, full engine power even during the winter,” explains Wach. “MaxxMotion bears comparison with other winter diesel products – it is the best Premium winter diesel on the Austrian market,” Wach is convinced.

Background information:
Winter diesel test of VKI

The Austrian consumer association (Verein für Konsumenteninformation, or VKI) in cooperation with the Tyrol Chamber of Labour (AK Tirol) examined carefully the winter diesel fuel offers in Austria – details about the results:

Background information:
OMV Aktiengesellschaft

With Group sales of EUR 34.05 bn and a workforce of 29,800 employees in 2011, OMV Aktiengesellschaft is one of Austria’s largest listed industrial companies. In Exploration and Production, OMV is active in two core countries Romania and Austria and holds a balanced international portfolio. OMV had proven oil and gas reserves of approximately 1.13 bn boe as of year-end 2011 and a production of around 288,000 boe/d in 2011. In Gas and Power, OMV sold approximately 272 TWh of gas in 2011. In Austria, OMV operates a 2,000 km long gas pipeline network with a marketed capacity of around 101 bcm in 2011. With a trading volume of around 40 bcm in 2011, OMV’s gas trading platform, the Central European Gas Hub, is amongst the most important hubs in Continental Europe. In Refining and Marketing, OMV has an annual refining capacity of 22 mn t and as of the end of 2011 approximately 4,500 filling stations in 13 countries including Turkey. OMV further strengthened its position through the ownership of a 97% stake in Petrol Ofisi, Turkey’s leading company in the retail and commercial business.

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