Shutdown Petrochemicals – Plant overhaul at Schwechat Refinery

Apr 27, 2011

1 min read

The OMV Refinery in Schwechat will undergo a further routine shutdown from May 3. This time, the petrochemical plant parts will be out of commission for around one-and-a-half months. OMV produces basic petrochemical materials here that are mainly supplied to neighbouring plastics manufacturer Borealis. The shutdown is therefore being carried out in close cooperation with Borealis; the plastics manufacturer will overhaul its equipment at the same time.
The other parts of the OMV Refinery in Schwechat, such as those used for crude oil distillation, were overhauled in 2010 and will therefore not be checked over this time.

The objective of this routine work, which takes place every six years, is to thoroughly clean, inspect and service petrochemical plant parts. Eleven large machines, eight ovens, 86 columns, 554 heat exchangers, 743 containers, 4,800 mountings and 1,600 safety valves are overhauled, while diverse repairs are made to pipelines. The measuring and control equipment is also serviced.
An additional 3,500 workers will be employed on the plant site from May to June. OMV obtains the extra workforce by contracting numerous partner companies in Austria and Europe.

Safety and maximum consideration for residents are the key priorities. The refinery staff and any partner companies were fully sensitised to safety aspects through an information campaign. During the entire shutdown period, a “green phone line” will be available on a 24-hour basis to deal with any questions from residents. The number is 0043 664 9108787. Further information is also available at For any media inquiries, please call OMV Media Relations 0043 1 40440-21661.