Political turmoil in North Africa and Middle East adversely impacts results
August 10, 2010 - 7:30 am (CET)
EBIT down vs. Q2/10: Clean CCS EBIT decreased by 25% to EUR 468 mn burdened by the loss of production in Libya and Yemen, high exploration expenses as well as lower refining margins; clean CCS net income attributable to stockholders is down 25% to EUR 236 mn
Strong improvement of gearing ratio: After completion of the capital increase and hybrid bond issue in Q2/11, the gearing ratio came down to 34% versus 47% in the end of Q1/11
Outlook for 2011: In E&P, production is expected to remain below the level of 2010 due to production disruptions in North Africa and the Middle East; in R&M, the full consolidation of Petrol Ofisi should support the results; in G&P, the start of commercial operation of the first power projects is expected in H2/11
Gerhard Roiss, CEO of OMV:
“The second quarter brought multiple challenges some of which we were not able to influence. The political instability in North Africa and the Middle East is still prevailing, costing us a significant amount of production every day. The loss in volumes could not be offset by higher crude prices. In R&M as well as in G&P, the overriding theme was margin pressure which has left its mark on these segments’ results. With regard to managing our balance sheet, we have successfully closed two major capital markets transactions last quarter – a capital increase and a hybrid bond each EUR 750 mn in size – and thereby reduced our gearing to 34%. I am also happy about the successes stemming from our exploration endeavors which have recently yielded three promising discoveries. Clearly, we will continue to face challenges in the future but, with our updated strategy to be announced in September, we will be strongly positioned to manage them.”
Further information please find in the attached report January - June and Q2 2011: