OMV Supervisory Board reconfirms all Members of the Executive Board

Mar 25, 2009

9 min read

March 25, 2009 - 6:00 pm (CET)

  • Continuity of the experienced management team for ongoing growth strategy in challenging times
  • Previous areas of responsibility of OMV Executive Board members remain unchanged
  • Ruttenstorfer to serve as CEO of OMV until 2011 -  Gerhard Roiss to succeed

At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of OMV reconfirmed the management team consisting of Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, Gerhard Roiss, Werner Auli, David C. Davies and Helmut Langanger, effective from April 1, 2009. Regarding the concrete terms of office the fact was taken into consideration that Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer as well as Helmut Langanger have decided to quit the service after having reached the age of 60.

Rainer Wieltsch, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, commented: “It was a clear decision to express our confidence again in this successful Executive Board. Facing a worldwide economic crisis it is all the more important to have an experienced team in place. In that regard is was also our concern to build on continuity when it comes to the function of the CEO after 2011.” In 2011, Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer will have reached the age of 60 and has decided to end his active career within OMV; therefore the OMV Supervisory Board has destined Mr. Gerhard Roiss as CEO for the time after April 1, 2011. 

The team, led by CEO Ruttenstorfer, took office in January 2002 and has actively pursued the internationalization of the Company. Today, OMV is the leading energy group in CEE. Furthermore, the board has prepared the Group in a very professional manner to face the ongoing economic crises. It is therefore the right time to extend the mandate of the Executive Board to ensure the Group’s further success and stability.

Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, who began his term of office on the Executive Board in 1992 as Chief Financial Officer, and served as Deputy CEO beginning in 2000, became CEO on January 1, 2002. The OMV Supervisory Board has reconfirmed Mr. Ruttenstorfer as CEO as of April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2011.  

Gerhard Roiss, a Member of the Executive Board since 1997 (Plastics and Chemicals), also assumed responsibility for the Exploration and Production business segment starting 2000. Since January 2002, Roiss has been Deputy CEO, with responsibility for Refining and Marketing, including Petrochemicals. OMV’s Supervisory Board has extended the term of office of Mr Roiss as of April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2014. He will accept office of the CEO as of April 1, 2011.

David C. Davies joined the management team as Chief Financial Officer on April 1, 2002. His contract has been confirmed as of April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2010 meaning for the time being only for the original contract period whilst Mr. Davies and his family consider their position. 
Werner Auli joined the OMV Executive Board as of January 1, 2007. From 2002 to 2004 he was managing director of EconGas, a 50% subsidiary of OMV. 2004 he returned to the OMV Group, where he was chairman and speaker of the Management Board of OMV Gas GmbH. On January 1, 2006 he became head of OMV Gas International GmbH. His term of office was also prolonged as of April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2014. 

From 1989 to 2001, Helmut Langanger was head of the domestic and international activities of OMV’s Exploration and Production business segment. He became a member of the Executive Board at the beginning of 2002, with responsibility for E&P. Mr. Langanger’s term of office was extended as of April 1, 2009 until September 30, 2010.

Helmut Langanger as well as Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer will have reached the age of 60 when their respective contracts will expire. Mr. Ruttenstorfer as well as Mr. Langanger have contributed to the development of the Company for more than 30 years.


Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer
1976: Degree at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and start of his professional career at OMV

1985-1990: Responsible for strategy of the OMV Group in the department “Planning and Controlling”

1990-1992: Head of the marketing department - distribution of petroleum products

1992-1996: Member of the Executive Board responsible for finance, controlling and chemicals

1996-1997: Member of the Executive Board responsible for chemicals, exploration and production as well as the gas business

1997-1999: State Secretary at the Austrian Ministry of Finances

2000: Return to the OMV Group as Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board in charge of finance and gas

Since January 1, 2002: CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of OMV

Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer was born in Vienna in 1950. He is married and has three children.

Gerhard Roiss
His studies of economics at the Universities of Vienna, Linz and Stanford (USA) provided the basis for managing positions in the consumer goods industry.

1990: Head of OMV Group marketing
In the same year, Gerhard Roiss was appointed to the Management Board of PCD Polymere GmbH.

March 1997: Gerhard Roiss became Chairman of the Management Board of PCD Polymere GmbH.

September 1997: Member of the Executive Board of OMV Group, responsible for plastics and chemicals

Beginning of 2000: He also takes over responsibility for the business segment Exploration and Production.

Since September 2001: Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Borealis.

Since January 1, 2002: Deputy Chairman of OMV Group, responsible for the business segment Refining and Marketing including petrochemicals.

Since July 1, 2004: Managing director of OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH.

Gerhard Roiss was born in Linz in 1952. He is married and has three children.

Werner Auli
1987: Begin of his professional career at OMV

1987-1990: Employed in the business unit ‘Company Development and Strategic Controlling’

1990-1991: Assistant to the Executive Board for the segment ‘ Chemicals and Materials’  

1991-1993: Assistant to the Executive Board for the segment ‘ Finances, Controlling and Chemicals’

1993-2000: Managing director at AUSTRIA Mineralöl GmbH, responsible for finances and accounting, controlling, marketing, IT and HR

2000-2002: Managing director of OMV Cogeneration GmbH in addition to a managing director position at OMV Gas GmbH with the responsibility for supply, marketing and distribution

2002-2004: Managing director of a 50% subsidiary of OMV, EconGas, responsible for finance, supply & trading, marketing and international sales

2004: Return to OMV Group as Chairman and speaker of the Management Board of OMV Gas GmbH

Beginning of 2006: Head of OMV Gas & Power

Since January 1, 2007: Member of the Executive Board responsible for the business segment Gas and Power

Werner Auli was born in Vienna in 1960. He graduated from the Technical University of Vienna. He is married and has two children.

David C. Davies
1978: Degree in Economics at the University of Liverpool

1978-1981: Trainee at Touche Ross & Co, Liverpool, and preparation work to become chartered accountant

1982-1983: Price Waterhouse, Milan, Italy - chartered accountant for Italian companies or Italian subsidiaries of international corporations

1983-1988: BOC Group Plc, a multinational UK company specialized on chemical gases and health services

1983-1984: Internal auditing

1984-1986: Financial director for the chemical business segment

1986-1988: Financial director for the health care segment

1988-1994: Grand Metropolitan Plc, an international group specialising in the highly branded consumer businesses of food, drinks and retailing
1988-1989: Commercial head of the business segment "New Retail Ventures"

1989-1991: Financial director for the segment "Restaurants Europe” in Munich

1991-1994: Group controller - Burger King Corporation, Miami Florida;

1994: Financial director at International Distillers and Vintners, Asia

1994-1997: The Walt Disney Company – division manager responsible for finances and business development for the "European Retail Division"

1997-1999: Financial director at the London International Group Plc, a UK listed company focused on medical products

2000- March 2002: CFO at Morgan Crucible Company Plc, a UK listed company specialized on technical materials (ceramics, carbon, permanent magnet) with operations in more than 45 countries

Since April 1, 2002: CFO at OMV

David C. Davies was born in Liverpool in 1955. He is married and has three children.

Helmut Langanger
1973: Finalization of his course of studies in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Mining in Leoben

1974: Begin of his professional career at OMV as reservoir engineer

1980: Degree in Economics at the Vienna University

1981 - 1985: Responsible for the technical and economic evaluation of E&P activities in the foreign operational department

1985 - 1989: Head of ‘Planning & Economics’, responsible for both E&P and gas projects

1989 - 2001: Head of the business segment ‘International E&P’, since 1992 also responsible for the Austrian E&P business

Since January 1, 2002: Member of the Executive Board, responsible for Exploration and Production

Since July 1, 2004: in addition to his Executive Board position, managing director of OMV Exploration & Production GmbH

Helmut Langanger was born in Knittelfeld in 1950, he is married and has two children.

OMV Aktiengesellschaft
With Group sales of EUR 25.54 bn and a workforce of 41,282 employees in 2008, OMV Aktiengesellschaft is one of Austria’s largest listed industrial companies. As the leading energy group in the European growth belt, OMV is active in Refining and Marketing (R&M) in 13 countries. In Exploration and Production (E&P) OMV is active in 19 countries on four continents. In Gas & Power (G&P) OMV sells approximately 13 bcm gas per year. Via Baumgarten, one of the most important turntables for gas in Europe, approximately 66 bcm gas is transported annually. OMV’s Central European Gas Hub is amongst the three largest hubs in Continental Europe.

OMV is the leading energy group in the European growth belt with oil and gas reserves of approximately. 1.2 bn boe, daily production of around 317,000 boe and an annual refining capacity of approximately. 26 mn t. OMV now has 2,528 filling stations in 13 countries. The market share of the group in the R&M business segment in the Danube Region is now 20%.

OMV further strengthened its leading position in the European growth belt through the acquisition of 41.58% of Petrol Ofisi, Turkey’s leading company in the retail and commercial business.

In June 2006, OMV has established the OMV Future Energy Fund, a wholly owned subsidiary to support projects in renewable energy with more than EUR 100 mn to initiate the change from a pure oil and gas group to an energy group with renewable energy in its portfolio.

OMV: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
OMV is a member of the U.N. Global Compact and actively committed to the values enshrined in its Code of Conduct. These include a strong sense of responsibility towards the social and natural environment in economically weak regions. OMV works hard to address economic, environmental and social issues related to its operations. Its CSR activities are fully documented in biannual performance reports compiled according to Global Reporting Initiative guidelines.

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