December 21, 2011 - 10:00 am (CET)
- OMV raises EUR 50,000 from Advent calendarsales
- Support to be given to "ÖsterreichischeKinderfreunde" project to help socially and structurally disadvantaged children in urban centres
OMV has been a reliable partner of "Licht ins Dunkel" for more than ten years, and this year is again takingpart in the annual fundraising event organised by the charityorganisation. The company has raised EUR 50,000 from the sale of a specially created Advent calendar that was available atall OMV filling stations in November. For the first time, theproceeds will be donated to a selected project: the socio-cultural local community work of Austrian children’scharity organisation "Österreichische Kinderfreunde". Theproject seeks to integrate young people in urban centres intothe cultural and social life of their local community. Trainededucationalists provide recreational and learning supervisionfor children and adolescents from socially and structurallydisadvantaged families, and advise on the prevention ofconflict and violence.
OMV has maintained an intensive partnership with the "Lichtins Dunkel" charity organisation for more than ten years, andis again participating in a charitable event this year. For this purpose, Advent calendars were sold at Austrian OMV filling stations for EUR 5 each, and all proceeds from the sales were donated to "Licht ins Dunkel". Thanks to thepositive response from customers, it was possible to raise EUR 50,000 this year. For the first time the sum will be allocatedto a specially selected project.
OMV supports "Österreichische Kinderfreunde" project
The project that has been selected provides support forsocially and structurally disadvantaged young people in urbancentres. Through its diverse leisure activities, the Kinderfreunde project aims to integrate children and adolescents with difficult social backgrounds into the socialand cultural life of their community. This integration is achieved through support from trained leisure educationalistsin parks, playgrounds and community centres or via jointactivities such as climbing. The educationalists also helpchildren and adolescents with school and learning difficulties,and those who have difficult relationships with their parentsor are in trouble with the police. The project also serves toprevent addiction and violence by demonstrating alternativeways to resolve problems and different forms of leisureactivity.
Donation is traditionally handed over on December 24
The donation of EUR 50,000 will be handed over on December 24 at the traditional "Licht ins Dunkel" Gala at ORF by HaraldJoichl, Head of OMV’s Filling Station Business in Austria andGermany. "Children are our future. With the support of theproject, we want to show socially disadvantaged children andadolescents in Austria how they can engage productively in thesocial and cultural life of their community. With"Österreichische Kinderfreunde", we have found a partner thathas the necessary skills and network to support the integrationprocess at a local level," says Joichl, who is convinced of theproject’s success.
Background information:
OMV Aktiengesellschaft
With Group sales of EUR 23.32 bn and a workforce of 31,398employees in 2010, OMV Aktiengesellschaft is one of Austria’slargest listed industrial companies. In Exploration andProduction, OMV is active in two core countries Romania andAustria and holds a balanced international portfolio. OMV hadproven oil and gas reserves of approximately 1.15 bn boe as ofyear-end 2010 and a production of around 287,000 boe/d in9m/2011. In Gas and Power, OMV sold approximately 18 bcm of gasin 2010. In Refining and Marketing, OMV has an annual refiningcapacity of 22.3 mn t and as of the end of September 2011 approximately 4,700 filling stations in 13 countries includingTurkey. In Austria, OMV operates a 2,000 km long gas pipeline network with a marketed capacity of around 89 bcm in 2010. With a trading volume of around 34 bcm in 2010, OMV’s gas tradingplatform, the Central European Gas Hub, is amongst the mostimportant hubs in Continental Europe. OMV further strengthenedits position through the ownership of a 97% stake in Petrol Ofisi, Turkey’s leading company in the retail and commercialbusiness.
OMV is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, and an activesupporter to the values enshrined in its Code of Conduct. These include a strong sense of responsibility towards the social andnatural environment, especially in economically weak regions.OMV continuously addresses economic, environmental and socialissues related to its business in a responsible manner. The company reports on its activities in a sustainability report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines.