General Meetings of OMV Aktiengesellschaft

OMV AGM 2024 Florey

OMV’s General Meeting is held at least once a year at the seat of the company in Vienna. Among other things, the Annual General Meeting decides on the distribution of profits, elects the Supervisory Board and the auditor and determines the remuneration for the members of the Supervisory Board.

Annual General Meeting 2025

Annual General Meeting for the 2024 financial year

May 27, 2025
10.00 a.m. (CEST)
at VIECON – Vienna Convention and Congress Center (formerly CONGRESS CENTER MESSE WIEN)
Messeplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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General Information

The General Meeting of OMV takes place at the seat of the Company in Vienna at least once per year. The General Meeting in particular resolves on the distribution of profits, elects the Supervisory Board, appoints the auditors and determines the compensation of the Supervisory Board members.
The Annual General Meeting is convened by a published announcement with a notice period of 28 days (Extraordinary General Meeting: 21 days). Attendance of the General Meeting is subject to the delivery of a deposit confirmation. Please revert to the respective convocation notice for further information.
Each shareholder is authorized to vote in the General Meeting and may authorize a third party to do so on his behalf. A proxy voting service is offered. The proxy standard forms can be found under the menu item for the respective General Meeting.

The reports of the CEO and CFO to the General Meeting are webcasted in German and English. A link to the webcast will be published under the menu item for the respective General Meeting. Resolutions adopted at a General Meeting and the respective voting results are published on the website immediately after the end of the General Meeting.
The answers to current key questions are posted on the website ahead of the Annual General Meeting. After their adoption by the Supervisory Board, the annual financial statements are typically made available on the Company’s website about one to two months before the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders’ Rights
In order to treat all shareholders equally, the principle “one share – one vote” is observed. There are no shares without voting right, no shares conferring the right to more than one vote or preference shares and no “golden shares”. At the General Meeting, each shareholder can propose motions and request information regarding agenda items. Shareholders holding at least 5% of the Company’s share capital can request the convocation of a shareholders’ meeting and the announcement of agenda items for a General Meeting. Shareholders holding at least 1% of the Company’s share capital can propose motions regarding individual agenda items and request that these proposals are published on the Company’s website.
OMV announces financial information to all shareholders simultaneously by publishing it on the website. Regular conference calls and similar briefings are held for analysts and investors. The presentation documents used are posted on the Company’s website under “Investor Relations” and are thus available to all users.
Further information on the rights of shareholders in connection with the General Meeting is available under the menu item for the respective General Meeting.

Consortium Agreement
There is a consortium agreement in place between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) P.J.S.C. and Österreichische Beteiligungs AG (ÖBAG) providing for coordinated behavior and certain restrictions on transfers of shareholdings.