Purchasing & Invoicing Channels

We are committed to simplification of processes, enhancement of automation and reduction of paper. Thus, we provide our suppliers with purchasing and invoicing channels and methods suited to their profile and type of contracts, which bring efficiency and benefits to both, our suppliers and us.

By increasing automation we aim to:

  • Facilitate efficient and effective purchasing processes
  • Eliminate errors in the invoice verification process
  • Minimize payment delays to our suppliers
  • Reduce purchasing and invoicing costs for our suppliers and us
  • Contribute to environmental protection

We strive to implement the most appropriate digital solution and reduce paper documents as much as possible, of course always in line with local legal requirements.

Purchasing Methods

Generally, goods and services are ordered by Procurement department via electronic Purchase Order following one of the below methods:

  • Catalog Purchases: An infrastructure that allows non-professional requisitioners to purchase efficiently from selected vendors, by accessing internal or vendor catalogs populated with OMV specific content. Automated process for a wide spectrum of items.
  • Frame Contract Call Offs: Based on fixed price agreements OMV places call off Purchase Orders against a Frame Contract. Automated process for high frequency orders with contractual commitments defined upfront.
  • Single Purchase Order (PO) purchases: Manual process with individual agreements per PO with the suppliers.

Purchasing Channels

We support the following preferred purchasing channels:

  • SAP ARIBA Network (if you want to learn more about the ARIBA Network please see the presentation on the bottom of this site)
  • EDI connection
  • E-mail transmission of a structured PDF

In all cases OMV is issuing and sending a Purchase Order to the supplier.

Invoicing Methods

We prefer to receive invoices via below listed invoice channels, nevertheless we offer our suppliers a self-billing or billing on behalf process if in line with contractual and legal requirements.

Invoicing Channels

We support the following preferred invoicing channels:

  • SAP ARIBA Network
  • EDI connection preferred via IDoc format or predefined .xml
  • E-mail transmission of a structured PDF with .xml format
  • E-mail transmission of a text-based PDF – (only if the ERP does not support PDF with xml format should use converted PDF files (Word, Excel, etc.)

Invoicing Requirements

  1. Issue your invoice only after service delivery and an explicit acceptance of the service by OMV.
  2. Ensure the invoice is compliant with local accounting and tax legislation.
  3. Indicate on each line of the invoice to which Purchase Order (PO) number and PO line number it refers to.
  4. Suppliers, who perform the service reception by themselves, are asked to indicate on each line of the invoice to which reception document number it refers to.
  5. Unit of measurement and price per unit on the invoice have to match the specifications from the PO.
  6. Do not invoice additional costs which are not included in the PO. If some costs could not have been foreseen in the PO – please contact Procurement to change the respective PO.
  7. Ensure that the bank account on your invoice has been communicated and confirmed to OMV prior to invoice transmission and that the currency is correctly mentioned on it.
  8. Submit your invoice right away after issuing as the due date is calculated from invoice receipt date.
  9. Submit your invoice using the right Invoicing Channel (described above).

If you want to become a supplier for OMV you can find more information here: Become a Supplier
If you want to know more about SAP Ariba Network you can find more information here: ARIBA